Comedy Screenplay Awards
Season 8 Results:

Overall Winner - Season 9
*Thanks once again to all of the hard-working writers who entered, and congratulations to our Season 8 Quarter-Finalists, Semi-Finalists, Finalists and Winner!​
We had a large number of entries this
season, boiling that group down to the list you see on this page was no easy task. We're very grateful to have received so many wonderful projects, keep on writing everyone, and stay well!
Safe Words - Daniel Clements
Work is Torture - Chris Pecchenino
Go To Hell - Benjamin Font
Maddie and Frannie - Virginia Austin
Ars gratia Artis - Stefan Alexander
Gorilla - David Herman
The Mythical Golden Trout - Craig Peters
Adventures in Serial Killing - Jack Warner
Lap of Luxury - Jackson Hukari
Laffoon: Tales from the Quarter - Jack Hutsey
Space Cadets: The Next Generation - Edwin McDonald IV
The Righteous Knight - Dale Sweeney
He's A Dog - Cheryl Bealer-Wynton
Guy Who Just Bought a Boat - Patrick Tierney
Our Ugly Baby - Ray Keller
The Jobber - Robert Palestini
Christmas in Cryonis - Molly Bandt
Dad Band - Mike Harlow
Sam and Kaya - Shannon Brady
Dodo in London - Mark Bradley
WIDOW'S PEAK - Matthew Stevens
Love Curse - Brian Moon
The Ass of G.A.W.D. - Mark Bowes
Varsity - Emmylou Barden
One Hit Wonder - Robert Burke
The Witches of Beaverlick - Erica Russell
Scott B. Donaghy: Professional Referee - Christopher Loveland
Broken Spirits - Matthew Hoch
Dream Machines - Ron Lundmark
You and You Too - Mariana Rodrigues Serra Silva
Bliss - Grace Hannoy
Silver Flake - Francis Rose
The Devil’s Detour - Chris Bloomfield
Selling The Sun - Tom Adams
Gentle Parenting - Charlie T Savage
The Cursing Tree - Nan Schmid
Reality Check - Adam Karpel
My Space Therapy - Nate Raven
The Dirty Double - Frankie Campisano
The Most Perfect Christmas - Maria & Kevin OBryan
Backside of The Vase - Marina Charalambides
Dead End - William Read Hopkins
The Queen, The Knight, and The Witch - Letia Solomon
Geoffrey's Last Stand - Anna Forsyth
It's a Long Long Way to Tipperary - Rick Hays
Tuesday Night Dragonslayer Club - Michael Rogan
Lifesavers - Nicki Holcomb
The Toledo War - Scott Saffran
Dead Man With A Plan - Joel Stern
Clicks - Ross Schneiderman
Bag of Dicks - Verlon Roberts
Daddy Issues - David F.M. Vaughn
Isabella Goes to the Gala - Lynn Laguna
Joystick - Jerry Hsu
Jason and the Silent Knight - Eric Sandefur
Checking Out - Brian Hershkowitz
Doctor Babies - Annie Sicherman
Next Semester - Gabe Berry
Fear of Not Flying - Charles Ross
Through a Glass Ceiling, Darkly - Richard Geiwitz
Reverse Course - Gregory Cohen
My Dad Thinks He's Five - John Ducey
The Wizard of Proz - Gary Blackwood
The Two Musketeers - Dustin Richardson
Don Senatore - Alex Beattie
Fugitive Bride - Scott Billings
My Human Experience - Aimee Dansereau
Road to Machu Picchu - Stewart Fergus
Mr. Fear - Callum Henderson
Little Killer - Stephen Jimenez-Robb
Touch the Fire - Kevin Karp
Bullseye - Riley Scott
Nick'd - Mike Nielsen
Lulubelle - Michael Goyert
The Devil I Know - Josh Brody
Bank Robbery Hottie - Ruby Mainieri
The Odds - Bill Ehrlich
Minus One - Michelle Blair Wilker
Being a Gentleman - David Poric
My Friend Satan - Brett Martin
Bouncers - Andrea Wahbe
The Disconnection Of Family Affairs - Shane Weiss
The Devil You Know - Daniel Reiner
So Close - Kim Kolarich
Sawdust - Hector Frost
The Great Job Swap Out - Rob Gruen
No Mirrors - Brian Lustig
Husband Day Care - Zack R. Smith
Stripped - William McNeill
Stu, Jesus and the Devil - Joel Karlinsky
King Con - Warren McHenry
The Good Girl Of Chinatown - Melissa Lee Speyer
The Envy of Ledd - Gary Irons
Checks and Balances - Drew McInturff
Coffee Boy - Daniel Siegelstein
Human Nature - Cooper OConnell
If They Did It - Jordana Hatab
A Midsummer Night's Play - Eric MacKinnon Johnson
The Day We Tried to Live - Sergio Padilla
Playing Hero - Warren Lane
Pete & The Parties of Pure Evil - Warren Lane
Our Invincible Kindness - Brian Wapole
The Misadventures of a Polite and Indifferent Man - Bobby Gorman
World Wrestling League of Badassery - Lee Lucero
Everything's AI-OK - Matthew Lowe
Sexperiment - Alex Murawski
Knuckleheads - David Meister
Golden Oaks Nursing Home - Bri Kaisen
Hail Larry - Evan Frondorf
My Fair Drag Queen - Devin Toohey
Sharlie - Rob Margis
Alicia&I - Mariana Garcia
Eat Me - Jason Tostevin
Black Santa - Parco Richardson
A Grave Undertaking - Cameron Goodwin-Hadden
Troubles in Paradise - Will Kisor
Ant-Arctica - Larry Swanson
Starring Jake Wilkins & Jake Wilkins - Ed Wiles
Sarah in the City - Lexi Brandt
The Landlord - Nick Rose
Crazy Honey - Tim Young
Peak Water - John Boal
I Got Yu Babe - T. Camponeschi
Previously - Erin Carere, Carlo Carere
F**boys - Adam Sandel
Joe Strummer's Cadillac - Bryan Farrell
The Infinity Thieves - TK Sheffield
On a Slow Boat - Keith Houk
The World is Beautiful - Brandon Drake
No Strings Attached - Kelly Jean Karam
Cave Dwellers - Francis Indigo
The Imbalance 2 - Naomi Lisner