Drama Screenplay Awards
Season 6 Results:

Overall Winner - Season 6
*Thanks once again to all of the hard-working writers who entered, and congratulations to our Season 6 Quarter-Finalists, Semi-Finalists, Finalists and Winner!​
We had a record number of entries again this
season, boiling that group down to the list you see on this page was no easy task. So many wonderful projects this season, keep on writing everyone, and stay well!
The Chocolate Kandinsky - Suzanne Griffin
Acid Rain - Jocylen Manns & Ryan Manns
Repair the Carrows - Johnny Cruz
Tabitha Drowning - Anu Sukhdial
Always - Jessie Holder Tourtellotte
Children of Earth - Tobias Tobbell
Butterfly Children - Melanie Schiele
Coffee and Quarantine - Joseph Cautilli
Wabanaki Blues- Messin' With The Kid - Melissa Tantaquidgeon Zobel
The Invitation - Sachal Ali
Steel King - Michael Harris
The Mural - Carolyn Bradley
Still Waters - Jeff Hindenach
Affairs - Billie Harris
Bel - Benin Trotter
Arlis - Zoë Hodge
Lotus Land - Liam Allen-McGoran
Yuanfen - Lynn Mills
Dr. Jo and Mary - Elizabeth Solan
Every Second Wednesday - James Mulcahy
Nour. - Maitha Alawadi
As The Day is Long - Lukas Behrndt
Still's Life - Duncan Putney
Pezzonovante - Matt Grenzebach
Whirlwind - Monika Moreno-Lapp
Aqua Tofana - Daryn Robinson
Garment - Shannon Amborn
A Stranger's Grief - Taylor Johnson
Singularity - Ernesto Machina
Spring Branch - Keith Woodruff
Ben Johnson Day - Kerena Marchant
Valencia - Imani Vaughn-Jones
Strings - Chris M. Rutledge
Do It Again - Jeffrey Tumin
The Work - Adelita E. Lopez
Keeping Tabs - Michael Montgomery
The Last Sunday - Natalia Le Bas
All Hallows Eve - Jack Neary
Kill Switch - Jaclyn Powell
Here To Stay - Sara Robin
Rare as Red Hair - Robbie Robertson
Mineshaft - Jonathan Muncherian
For Phillip - Rob Seyk
And A Child Will Lead - Jamil Akim O'Quinn
Warm Brothers - William Gorgensen
The Department of Easy Virtue - Gary Blackwood
Riders - Gregory Sigur
The Code of Hammurabi - James Lindenberg
Snowflake Obsidian - Jeffrey Gold
Feelings - Grant MacDermott
Disintegration - Sebastian Watson
Transcendent - LaTaveya Vault
Spirit In The Dark - Daniel Lopez Kaufman
The Change - Bridget Addison
Soldiers & Bandits - Eduardo Soto-Falcon
Two Roads Diverged - Christina Shaver
Tree o' mine - Bernhard Riedhammer
Morale and Safety - Daniel Johnson
Shaky Ground - Erik Rhey
Suplex - Bryce Marrero
Into The Floe - Russ Eisenman
Rich Like Julio Lobo - Gianpaolo Pietri
Midnite America - Antonio Battle
Astride the Threshold of Freedom - Tim O'Shea
God's Own Heart - Preston Fox
Aloha, My Sweets - Ally May
Spartan Mansion - Stacey Spivey
Bienvenidos a Los Angeles - Lisa Cole
NOURA - Todd Tavolazzi
People Who Know - McKee Bond
Blood Thief - Winnie Soldi
Japanese for Baseball - Ray Keller
Dream Clinic - Shu Zhu
Ties That Bind - Donna Gooden
The Rest Of Us - Pauline Altman
El Soldado De Marbach - Arturo Javier Mireles
Distance and Silence - Ben Parsons
War Rattle - Elvin Betancourt
Rematch - Antoine Mizel
Gore Vidal - J.R. Howell
The Rommel Gambit - John Doble
Over and Out - Callie LeClaire
Apples - Rodolfo Salas
Cricket Song - Evelyne Werzowa
Easy Money - Chris Karter
Mengele - Josie Stevenson
The Artist in Attica - Steve Marino
The Simple Invention of Him - Kurtis Standley
The RIng: "Dionysus" - William Gerrard
The Sensational Genes - CT Marie
Aviatrix - Cynthia Wright
Elsinore - Jared Michael Delaney
The Gardner Heist - Timothy Paul Driscoll
Flat Pennies - Robert Ward
Eyes of Fate - Catherine Wright
The Fruit Basket - Marlowe Blue & Lloyd Lowe
Not My Brother - Kathryn Orwig
Out of Xatala - Debi Yazbeck
White Lillies - Aimée Kwan
The Blitz - Sven Anarki
Lost Angeles - Mike James Poulton
13 Finches - Lawrence Wood
Second Chances - Lissette Camacho
The Long hard Night - Steve John Bennett
Cavalier - Sydney Painter
The Hard R - Adad Warda
Moon Students - Daniel Holland
The Long Con - Matthew Petti
Extraordinary Ordinary - Matt Nye
What's Wrong With Me? - Shawna Baca
Ideal Man - Jimmy Clabots
Offering - Nathan Glassman-Hughes
down the line - Sean Nogues
Where Is Shruti? - Kelly Lamphear-Dash
A Black House on Border St. - Trevor Hardwick
The Portage - Jason Partridge
Distance - Nathan Vesta
Only Way Out - Jason Sawyer
Who Killed Dante Duggan? - Gavin Howard
The Past is a Temple - Joe Favalaro
Long Way Home - Jamaal Pittman
Argos - Ellen Shanley
A Change in Circumstances - Gretchen Klein
Hitmakers - Sebastian St. George
Firebird - David Jones
Hard Rice - Mary Nguyen
The Uninitiated - Shaun Raad
The Magical Powers of Prof - Michael Wojcik
Sleeping on Stones - Nicole Ballivian
The Trapper's Wife - April Miller
Mustang - Gordon Phipps
The Clover Tree - Daniel Dismuke
The Niece - Ken Sheerin
Casio Vega - Malakai Bisel
The Garfield Guy - Jeff Longsworth
The Sacrifice - Shane Weisfeld
A Foot Apart, A Chasm Between - Brian Cohen
Filmi - Proma Khosla
The Quilt Keeper's Son - Debra Gipson
Liberation - Stephen Colley
Memory Lane Classics - forrest waage
How it Ends - Josh Corrigan
Shadowking - Jonathan Kolber
Seraphim's Miracle - J.B. Storey
Long Live John Africa! - Sean Slater
Subtitles - David Hill
Lot - Collin Langham
Solidarity - Alison Townson
NPC - Kenneth Pulgar-Vidal
I Enjoy Being a Girl! - Brandon Krajewski
Your Southern Gods and Secrets - Chris Jenkins
One-Night Stand - Shaneequa Cannon
A Snowstorm in the Middle of Hell - G. Kent Taylor
You Don't Know Jack - Les Zig
In Their Hearts Was A Disease - Ahmed Siddiqui
The Checkered - Mark Gunnion
Backbone - Annette Cohen
Killer Problems - Elizabeth Fogner
Red Spy Queen - Leslie Lyshkov
Finding Work - Kevin Schwartz
Mud & Stars - Goldie Jones
When Two Worlds Collide - Fozia Najib
Alone, Together - Marcus Stricklin
Henry Wallace - Michael Long
Man for Breakfast - Ben Goodall
The Devil Has Many Faces - Surinder Singh
Rare Vintages - York Davis
East Side Story 129 - William Swanson
The Posse - Michael Sneden
Semiotics - Jeff Walkley
Shallow Depths - Milan Skrecek
CAptain Callahan - Jim Mayer
Them's Ponies! - Rebekah Chang
Vincent and Paul: Unspoken Brotherhood - Frank Hays
A Price for Everything - Anmol Vanamali
Womanhattan - Domhnall Smith
End of the Beginning - Carter Wickham
Taino - David Ciccarelli
But Where Did You Last Put It? - Andy Harrison
White Belt - Daniel Siegelstein
Felsbrocken - Martin King
Problem Cases - Briana Cox
Lily - Mike Fardy
Turning Heel - Keith Hannigan
Man Scout - Mike Spara
Inside Straight - Raphael Ben Jacob
The Message - Ben Ellis
Sunset Alley - Sam Watson
Two Steps Back - Sam Evans
Journey Into Night - Chris Neilan
Closure - Amber Brown
Money - James C. Schlicker
A Series About A Series - Sonny Kruger
Good Grief - Emily Rued
Disinterred Bones - Leonard Varasano
Elsie - Fernanda Cardoso
The Molly Maguires - Colin Ryan
American Canvas - Gene Wolande
Don't Look Back - Jamie Hollingsworth
Insensible Existence - Mark LeClair
Rain for Jo - J.L. Reed
Lots Brewing Ken Daniels
King of the Feather Wars - tim fitzharris
Bronx Stagger-TV Pilot Script - Daniel Moskowitz
Das Uber - Mercury
Waterloo - S E Chapman
White Sands - Kristoffer Bübeck
Fair Game - Kent Reason
A Mystic Fog I Carry - Yen Huang
The Voice of Santa Anita - Rodolfo Alvarado
Busker - Stuart Forrest
A Fire in the Mind - Ken White
Motherkiller - Terry Lynam
Unison Kismet: The Twin Samaritan - Francesco Capussela
Technicolor Noir - Madison Sean Flannery
The Acorn - Susanna Bonaretti
Golden Gate - Eric Raymond
Inside Roderick Kayne - Louis Alvarez
Incarnations - Albert M. Chan
Duty - Anthony Ford
Simulacres - Robin Johnston
Second Best and Best - John McCloskey
Love Scars - Jodi Ippolito
Brownie - Curtis Adair
Auto High - Nina Kentsis
Strays - Robert Wooldridge
Evangeline - Elizabeth J Musgrave
Clarke, The Butler - Giacomo Arrigoni
The Screenplay - Guilherme Viegas
Outlaws VS Mole People - Joanne Myers
Double Helix - Chris Willis
Republic of California - Becca Blackmore
Puget Sound - Ralph Wagnitz
The Lion - Samantha Duncan
Collaboration - Alessio Franko
First Drop of Rain - James Brosnahan
Wymo's Run - Mitch Hale
Q School - Chris Drzewiecki
Vacancy - John Shea
Lady Reporter - Michael Lucid
Thank You - Alice Wells
Uncomfortable Distance - Marco Amato
Black Butterflies - Tamara S. Hall
A Long Time Ago - Jordan Smith
Tillie - David Hal Chester
Borders - Frank Velasquez
Play Station - Gianluca Garozzo
Logger's End - Brooke Solomon
Jungle King - Robert J Morgalo
North Beach Noir - kip pearson
It Rained Warm Bread - dwight brown
Commonwealth - Jared Hardy
Coercion - Melvin Webb
Still Time to Change - Jim Grieco
Backlash - Charles A. Honeywood
"The Pulpit" - Tosin Morohunfola
#Cancelled - Francesca MacLaughlin
Roughstock - Tyler Rivenbark
Gwendolyn's Manor - James Marios Ellinas
Eat Your Heart Out - Jason Lake
The Last Monster Hunt - Conor Dowling
Our Greenwich Village Days - Michael and Andrew M Volpe
Time, Space, And The Poet
I Am Here - Francisco Solorzano
The New West - Robin U. Russin, Greg Klein
Voices - Susan Klos
And Jacob Wrestled With the Angel -
April and Mr. Stockman - Montgomery Burt
Duty - Anthony Ford
Thirst - Patricia M. Fox
Permission - Joe Capucini
Breakup - Michael Williamns
Veil - Peter Hardy
Devil's Ridge - Geoffrey Gould
Declaration of Conscience - Beth Milstein
Jalalabad 10-13 - Ronan O'Sullivan
Review - Jonathan Zarantonello
This Close - Randy Steinberg
The Corner of Willow and Orange - Jason Murgatroyd
Leilani - Dr Norman Johnson
Piglet - Chris Rust
Consent - Frank J. Avella
Templin Highway - William Prosser
Post Great - Adam Hersh
The Quicksilver Pleasure Club - Matt Pacini
Grey - Marc Castaldo
Trouble at Home - L. Andrew Cooper
Winter Bird - Stephen Delos Treacy
Asylum - Ty Caudle
The Soul Singer - Nadine Weathersby
Raceless - Allen Shadow
Tent Town - Phyllis Allison
Ursula and Our Conversations, The Nazi Era - Chaitania Hein
Didn't I Die - Rebecca Shortall
Blowback - Eric Murphy
Call The Hogs - Kelly L. Perine, John Gloria
The Truth - Carol Younghusband
Warpaint - Helen Taylor
More Than One Idiot Brother - Pearse Lehane
The Last Stage, or Wyatt's Earp Dying Dream -
Something Borrowed - Melissa Skirboll
Painter in the Storm - Dr. George Johnson, Cameron Grant
Plums Taste Different Here - Sarah Reader Harris
LSD Memories - A Love Story - Pavel Cerny
Bombshell - Ludwig Leidig, Brett Williams, Yuri Joakimidis
Lil C - Jamie Sutliff
Turbulence - Joe Rosario, Lew Ritter
And She Shall Reign - Christine Weatherup
From a Yardie to a Yankee - Sardia Robinson
Killing the Second Dog - Jerzy Kowynia
"175" - Yael Deynes
Hoops - Jeremy Fairman
Twilight Sleep (R-12.6) - Alan Lambert
Long Live John Africa! - Sean Gregory Slater
The Adventures of John and Mary - Robert Wagner
Time, Space, And The Poet - John Turner
Oscar - Chris Fell
The Ready Heart - Caroline Rovello
The Double - Leor Zinati
Call Me Thor - Jamie Campbell
Winds of Transition - Sil Brook
It's Only Life - Joseph Stephen Meadows
Death is Only a Stranger Once - Larry Collins
The Suicide Diaries - Joseph Lint
The Hard R - Levi Gordon, Adad Joel Warda
Rails Run Parallel - O. Vesperini, G. Laudereau, A. N’Dja, T. Newman, C. Starcevic
Race Music - Hasan Oracius, Eric Weber
Bedevilments - Jenna Ebersberger
Drastic Reality - Artasia Stringfield
Mattress - Tracy Morse, Sophia Porter
Forgiveness - Hal LaCroix
The Last Igwe - John P. Pence
Necropolis - Caledonia Hanson
Inherit A Marriage (I Am) -
Lawrence - Milethia Thomas
Sugar - Kerri Quinn
Black Star Rising - Doug Williams
Night - Tom Thorpe
Ferocious - Dimitri Devyatkin
Tink - Jarrett Bryant
The T - JP Grant
Loved Ones - Vicki Speegle
Haystack Hair - Jonathan Kleinman
Anathema - Bob Singleton