Drama Screenplay Awards
Season 9 Results:

Overall Winner - Season 9
*Thanks once again to all of the hard-working writers who entered, and congratulations to our Season 9 Quarter-Finalists, Semi-Finalists, Finalists and Winner!​
We had a large number of entries again this
season, boiling that group down to the list you see on this page was no easy task. So many wonderful projects this season, keep on writing everyone, and stay well!
Elephant Path - Robert Wooldridge
The Pale Horse - Kyle Rizor
The Trial of Edgar Allen Poe - Sven Anarki
The Age of the Empath - Steve Brown
The Night Watchman - Thomas Gaunt
The Applicants - Justin Ballheim
13 Steps - Loren Davis
A Dead Name I Love - Eric MacKinnon Johnson
The Charge Of Conception Island - Abbott Dodson
Yokozuna - Nicolas Fehrenbach
Nobody's Horses - Courtney Graham
For Coloreds Only - Johnny Ray Gill
Frayed - Allen Wolf
Civitas: A Tale of Anathema - Bob Singleton
Tales From Ambrose - Lyle Deixler
War Criminals - Alexander Rosenstein
Unpredictable - Lisa Hickey
Dovie - Mark Forbess
Mattress Store Assassin - Christopher Loveland
Wolf Of Rostov - George Viscas
The C&O - Joseph Enderby
Siberia - Jeff Hindenach
Something Like A War - J.K. Kelly
A Noble Path - Stephen Barber
Capitola - Joseph Kibler
The Hunting Grounds - Parker Sack
Call Me Frank - Graham Kosakoski
The Deadhead - Justin Ballheim
The Trap - Nate Plotkin
A Beautiful Place To Die - Patterson McKinney
How 'Bout Them Cowboys - Sean Neumann
Meet Amber Garnet - Mark Ludwig
Esperanza - Jamee Decio
Street Knowledge - Greg Sawicki
The Language Of Wolves - Nan Schmid
The Firekeeper - Dan Stevens
Over the Hill - Laura Kemp
Solomon's Choice - Richard Geiwitz
The Gardener - Case Barden
Stardust - Sven Anarki
Path of Least Regret - Brian Gene White
Jane - Sarah Lawrence
#notmetoo - Michele Merens
Autumn in September - Philip Oyok
Westmere - Jerry Stolfi
Guardian Run - Michael Latta
Aurora Heights - Kaleb Ogren
An Interlaken Affair - Georgette Skolnick
Leningrad - Emily Lansbury
Ravensbruck - Dr. Amanda Blanchard D.C.
Split Decisions - Layla O'Shea
Picnic At Gettysburg - Pearse Lehane
A Seeping Wound - Darryl Wimberley
Unstuck - Thomas Yungerberg
The Astrologer Ray Keller
Awaken The Wolves - Jason William Lee
Live - Alex Oviedo
Bad Luck vs. Karma - Aaron Davis
Me + You - Lauren Smith
L.A.C.R.C. - Mirron Willis
Reformation - Stephen Morgan-MacKay
Coming up for Air - Stefan Alexander
The Book of Raquel - Olga Holtz
Fire Proof Safe - Julio DeSanctis
The Firedog Killers - Lit Kilpatrick
My Real Imaginary Friends - Kyle Rizor
The Affiliated - Grant Gruber
Reich - Ryan Peverly
Care Source - Matthew Nicholson
Playing with Dolls - Kevin Brunner
In Bones and Soul - James LeJeune
Multiverse 58 - Shiva Sawyer
Say Something - Emily Holleman
Prosperity - Steven Tate
Downburst - Carlos Pires
Richard Spong - Terry Podnar
I'll Never Find Another You. Michael Elliott
Jingle Bell Rock - Curt Samlaska, MD, FACP, FAAD
Crow - Matilda Corley Schulman
Kellett - Harvey Auzorst
Alphabet City - Kristen McNaule​
​Hollywood Ghiostwriter - Melanie Villines
A Bullet For God's Bounty - Don Stroud
Angel - Jeff Kimball
Lotus - Kyle Hatley
Sherwood Knights - Michael Sollars, Geoffrey Sollars, Eric Sollars
Barstow - Brittany Scott Smith, Arjay Smith
Windy City - Joseph Anthony Francis
It's Only Life - Joseph Stephen Meadows
Ghost Warrior: The Awakening - Michael John Chase
Sinnerman - Georges Salo
Victor's Circle - Kevin J. Howard
Time, Space, & The Poet - John Turner
Mixed Spirits Lillian's Time - Howard Barry Kaplan
Buffalo Creek - Vaughn Roste
Black Sheep - Mimi Lee
The Repair Man - Brian McGrath
Galatea of the Spheres - Steven Keith Bogart
Direct Action - Tor Kristoffersen
The Divine Pianist - Girma Negash
Possum Kingdom - Henry Slaughter
Dance of Those Once Lost - TL Michaels
Chasing Avicii - Ross Langill
Memoirs of a Gangster - Joshua L Lee
Against the Wall - Henk Muni
Stall - Shawn Ray
Through the Valley - Maddy Foley
Down By Law - Rich Otto
Crossing Xavier - Bear Kosik
On the Wall - Tamara Lee Green
StarStruck Galileo - Andrew Chiaramonte
Little Tokyo Story - Kyung-Ja Lee
The High Tide - John Saveland
Future Stuff - Cade Thomas
Going Back to You - Rebecca Semik
Switch Track - Jenna Macari
Racing The Storm - Mike Macke
Wounds of War - G Scott Gehrs
Red State - Brian J Leitten
The Zookeeper's Daughter - Lisa Hickey
Free Agents - Mario Waller
The Scammer - Bryan van Dijk
The Last Thing I Do - C. E. Simon
Land Lies - Alix Yumi Cho
The Blue Garden - M. J. Morrone
Reefer Madness - Dana Carrabon
Summit - Keith Charles
Murderous Truth - Richard Wilkinson
Right Where You Found Me - Aubrey Grace Tomlinson
Point Seven - Stephanie Strickland
The Catch - Matthew Ronzani
Secrets of the Moon - Edward Fasano
The Overturning Moment - Tom Holowach
Home Uganda - Brian McCarthy
Panama - Justin Lloyd-Williams
Love You Better When You're Wild - Brian Wapole
Shark Alley - T.K. Riggins
Dream a Little - The Beginning - William Arendt
My Beautiful Bones - Richard Breakspear
No Man is an Island - ALSO Sisters
The Road Back - Charles Jessen
Inequality: Yesterday, Today, But Not Forever - ENNIS JACKSON
Deadly Defiance - the Last Casino - Joe LaCroce
The House of Fear - Felix Guzman
To Be Heard - Julie Gervais
A Simple Question - Allen Adkins
What If The World Ends Tonight - Katherine D. May
Ecstatic Wonder - Liat Krongrad
Love & Detroit - Michael Dunker
The Second Coming - Michael William Hogan
The Sound of Anomoly - David Poric
Balancing The life of Belle Da Costa Greene - Judith Abingdon
Echoes of the End - Maria Verbitckaia
Puzzle Box - Edward Ybarra
Still Alive - Rosemary Griggs
Hit Me - Louie Pradt
Brothers of Babylon - Gabriel Womack
The Settling - Rachel McAdam
For All We Kniow - Grace McKeaney
The Jump - John Killoran
Unmanageable - Jim Woods
The Quisling - Lynn H. Elliott
Clicks - Ross Schneiderman
Fortuna - Pedro Canais
In Lieu of Flowers - Ryan Logsdon
Death Valley - Adam Scott Mazer
High Tide Line - William Parsons
When the bombs were blossoming - Rajko Stiglic
A Boy CAlled Freddie. - Sophie Neville
Surviving Icarus - Adam KarpelL
The Vintage - Scott Perry
Wayfaring Stranger - Simona De Angelis
And India - Stephen Shapiro
Harriet and Marv's Very Long Life - Jeremy Musher
A Pill To Die For - Claudia Dato
The Last Valkyrie - Caroline Boll
Can you see me? - Klaartje Van Steen
Mammoth - Robert Buscemi
Bam - Matt Mulcahy
Mad Summer - Larissa Salazar
Uptown Santos - Jonathan Ramirez
Miami Memorial - M. Albert Malvehy
Deity Equals Delta - Sophie Mutiara Nova
Punching Bag - George Mehelis
Jewel of Rome - Maureen O'Grady
Ferris' Wheel - Normann Pokorny
Peanut Butter Cookies - Chris Stuewe
The Death of Me! - Debra Jarvis
MVP Gong Going Gone! - Laurie Thomas
The Event - Izabela Borowska
Silent Screams - A Girls Journey To Reclaim Her Voice - Anu Verma
The Long Road To War - Joe Micklethwaite
Pieces of You - Jack Warner
Patterns - Daniel Reiner
Steal Your Heart - Amy Ruckman
Committed - Coleman
Dancing on a Tightrope - Jesse Kalfel
A Chocolate Haircut - Jordan Freese
Familiar Realm - Jose Montalvo
The Past, PResent and Future - AAYUSHI A. SHAH
365 Days Without a Killing - William Hanley
Teacher's Pet - Dan Stevens
Trunk of an Elephant - Stephanie Bianca
The Brother - Jeffrey Perry
Crunkillmatic - Max Gaspard
To Save a Phoenix - William Sims
Apex - Sam King
Vaihiva - Edmund Jonah
Kirby in Limbo - Jamie Campbell
Revolver - They Wilson
Into the Darkness - Emelie Svensson
Remorse - Einar Gunn
Greasy Grass Creek - Channing Kury
Tunnel Under the World - Patricia Stepp
Johanna van Gogh - Patrick Griffith
Blue Ridge Falls - Samantha Schechter
Generation Service - Kiwana Rose
The Key - Peter Ellinwood
Saving Sofia - Velvet Perez
Scared Stillman - Justin Kagan
Diary of a Ghost - Maren Koenigs
William Courtenay, The Name That Chose Me - Marko Josic
Middle Men - Adam Linhares
A Self-Indulgent Obituary - Phineas Larson
Systemic - Matt Taylor
Bedbuggers - Tom Cavanaugh
Fish in a Barrel - Nick DeRuve
Medicine: First Impressions - Daniel Jones
Transplant - Tala Calil
The Color of the Day - Michael Ross
Dramatics - Travis M. Baker
Jesus and Peter - Anthony Guilianti
Semi-Divine Creature - Brandon Lunzman
The Road to a Rumble - Stirling duBell
Runtime - Jas Kandola
Third - Sebastian Zufelt
Sleepless In Beantown - Riley Donovan
A Late Victorian Holocaust - Stefan Alexander
Perception - Pauline McAlonan
Aye, Ma'am - John Varkados
Miami P.I. - Michael Walton
Just Like You - Corey Boling
Girls Will Be Girls - Kathy Do
The American Children - Sam Komer
Tunnelmouth - Guy Pooles
Red Hands - Cathal McElroy
Majority Rules - E. Amato
Rat King - Diego Minor Martínez
Team Emma - Andrea Zastrow
Glut - Joe Eatherton
The Blockheads - Vaughn Roste
Chessboard Rumble - Jens 'Pil' Pilegaard
FML - Chris Gilmore
Everyday Devils - Sergio Bonnici
Slip - Lara Hill
Black Nite - Matthew Trudeau
My Brother Fruitcake - Shiva Sawyer
The Great American Game - Lynwood Shiva Sawyer
Cousins on the Court - Steve Smith
Nevaeh - Michael Tyre
I'm So Tired of The Hero's Journey - Joseph X Casillas
The Beltway - Nathaniel Morris
Steven's Wedding - Krystal Dawkins
Dead Air - Trevor L. Poole
Promised Land - Danny Holst
Lady of the Decades - Andre Gouvea
Scars From Our Past - Hassan Omar
Looking for your Shadow - Jen Prince
The Balloon - Scott Younger
The Year After the Fall - George Rowan
Paranormal - Kobe Fitzgerald
Tracer - Julia Campanelli
Gray Matter - Aliyah Kiesler
Knowing - Max Luque
Seclusion - Avie Luthra
Reunion - Anhtuan Do
The Commandant's Daughter - HW Coyle
Anita's Stories - Jose Alvarado
Aevum - Jay Hodgkins
Skelzies - J.A Brown
Sun Is Coming? - Saeid Ghasemi
The Ghost and the Gold Louie - Jamie Sutliff
Pivot - Grant McGowan
The Happy Couple - Matthew Brian Cohen
Write Me In - Ali Jordan
Notes Written in Stone - Ashray Shah
Same Love - Jonathan Jagdeo
Lark - Matilda Corley Schulman
I Am Geoffrey - Annie Rowe
​​Charli - Amber Lauren Jones
New Flagstaff - AI - Jack B Dunn
You Know - J Frederick
Burke and Hare - The West Port Murders - Stephen Hall
The Fishfolk of Luton Hill - Marcos Pinto-Leite
Beastings - Derek Masterson
The Loss We Bear - Roberta Steve
Ban the Bullet - Salvatore Klezmer Riggio
Begin the Beguine - R. A. Modro
The Secret Notes of Professor Thomas - Joni Ravenna, Joshua Townshend-Zellner
Anna Incognito - Laura Preble
Closer to Fine. - Marisa Forrest
Trophy - Jody Ellis
The Last Train From Berlin - Kit Wilson
Silver Nights - Alexis Andritsos
The Legend of Osmin & Osito - Glenn Allen, Richard Kaufman
Summer’s Kiss - Georges Salo
A Life - Jannik Ohlendieck
Overwhelming Darkness - Steven A Hart
Fugazi - Jeff Kimball
Arthur's Messenger - Jennifer Buttell
The Roadie - Stanislav Zalmanov
Any More Complicated Than That - Les Zig
Bloodline Blues - Kimberly Fisher
Cowlick - Kevin Hart
Sicilian Knots - Wm. Hovey Smith
The Repair Man - Brian McGrath
Martin's Accidental Quest - John McCloskey
Escape from Fear - Michael Alan Elliott
The Empire Sky - Daniel Holland
Echoes Of Humanity - Steven Paul McCarthy
Shadows - Ms. Michael angel Johnson
The Trial of Lady Annabelle - Victoria Louise Bradley
On The Record - Adam Goudchaux
A Colombian Saga - Ronald J.
The Hot Mess - Bruce Hickey
Delicious Flesh - Virginia Youngren
Jumpers - Kevin Dobbs
Price of Oil - Vahid IMani
The Teenage Bodyguard - J Z Murdock
Zwarte Piet - Sean William Morrisroe
Because of You - Peter Anthony McGrath