Pitch Now Screenplay Competition
Season 4 Results:

Overall Winner - Season 4
"Dirty Bird" - Arland DiGirolamo & Alana Wexler
*Thanks once again to all who entered,
and congratulations to our Season 4
Semi-Finalists, Finalists and Winner!
*Thanks as well to our amazing sponsors Virtual PitchFest, Monday On Main Street, and InkTip!
Out of the Blue - Laura Harbin
Providence - Tatjana Marjanovic
Reverse - Carlo & Erin Carere
Symbionts - Johnny Gilligan
Little Maude - Tony Prescott
Unearthly - Lonnie Nichols
The Night Anonymous - Hamish Sturgeon
Queen Punks - Alison Reeger Cook
Picket Charlie - Michael Graf
Guardian - Jess Gupta
Transitions - Joan Butler
Lifelink - Johnny Gilligan
Terror and Virtue - Ernest Pysher
A Ways Out - Colin Moore
On Rumspringa - Ellis Stump
Centurions - Sally Stubbs
Tiers of the Void - Barry Timberlake II
Ghost School - Rod Kent
Trinity - Iam Typn
The Sidekick - Blaine Ross
The Warm Season - Adam Seidel
Room 099 - Sarah Mokh
Searching for Tutankhamun - Ariane Hahusseau
A Matter of Time - Nuh Omar
Under Pressure - Steven Smith
Urban Legends - Sam Callahan
Fin - Robert Bowman
Dissecting Rod Serling - Joel Karlinsky
American Fallout - Harry Kakatsakis
Hitmakers - Christian Ward
Pustka - Edel Dmytro Oksamyt
The Worst Years - Gianfranco Cuoco
Gardenias in the Darkness - George Graham
Big Small Claims - Eduardo Dami
Pitch Deck: Drive! Cal Gal, Drive! - Kurtis Theorin
Machine - Paul Kelly
Neuroplastic - Ernesto Porto
The Last Good Soraya - TJ Berry
Jonesy, the Sitcom - Caledonia Hanson
Chasing the Dark - Mike Bencivenga
Trophies - Peter Van Horne
The Wrong Candidate - John Ravitz
The Three of Us - Janna Jilnina
Chó - Jon Shaivitz
Jude - Timothy Parr
Disaster Man - Mark C. Spera
The Zombie Game - Daniel Bridges
Offspring - Hannah Silverman
Deliver Us - Jonathan Matusitz
Haddy's House - TL Michaels
afterbirth. - Marko Pandza
Black Woman Down - Felicia Baxter
Unattached - Vasilios Filippakis
Leo - Brian McDevitt
Lila and her Demons - Nicole Crowley
The Spirit Photographer - Spencer McCall
Rise of the Immortals - Alan Sim
Zombies are Easier to Handle - Joey Miller
Trophy Boy - Kevin Hanna
Shuttlecock - Tapan Sharma
Red River - David Fraser
The Adventures of Ash and Owen - Arun Narayanan
Matchsticks - Shane Walsh-Smith
The Memphis Mafia - Jason Williams
Technicolor Noir - Madison Sean Flannery
Identification - Larry Collins
The Portage - Jason Partridge
Our Bodies & Other Shames - Malka Wallick
Mourning Glory - Katie Frorer
Side Quest - Michael Tannenbaum
Leader Supreme - Dave C. Hanson
I Love You, Margot Robbie - Sav Rodgers
Silverlight - Victor Spiegel
Legends - Danny Alex
The Dutchman - Robert Callahan
Declaration of Conscience - Beth Milstein
Home Is Where The Dark Is - Michael St.Germain
Head-On Bobby Rafferty - Larry Portzline
Hellfire - Mark Dollard
Barry Sprinkle - Sam Wilder
Before the Boogie Down - Floyd Fisher
True Scotsman - Peter Carellini
One of One - Lucas Abreu
Shutdown - Joel Cousins
Exposure - Michelle Aldridge
Out of Destruction - Linda Orlando
American Daydream - Jim Grieco
Alta California - Lynn Elliott
Spies, Lies, and Lovers - JD Wallace
Better Days - Christopher Mancuso
Don't Vote for Me - Michael Bradley Cohen
Dragoness - Samantha Duncan
Lola & Lita, Love & Light - Heather Renee Wake
The Apertivo - Anthony Mariani
Above the Line - Les Zig
The Demon Lady's Book Club - Tanya Eby, Amy Landon
Gold - Marcus Gorman
The Exchange - Rick Barham & Alan Roth
Born Again - Daniel Schooling
Closer - Glenn Anthony Maneval Jr
Room Service - Nieves Garcia Perchin
The Passage of Sun - Aaron Braxton
Journey to Fisterra - Alan Lambert
No One Will Know Me - Devin Dugan
Hey Bestie! - Lulenoxx
Tsarina - Asha V. Knight
Majority Rules - E. Amato
Finding Leon - Andy J. Carlson
Charly Talks - Lisa Marie Isaacson
Quarter - Finalists
The Seventh Spiral - Farshid Farrahi, MD
Immunitas - George Bleam
Mergays - Tommy Garcia
Meadow - Alyse Kane Riley
Going South - Kacey Johnson
#Hotmess - Ana Christina Perez Del Rio
Champion Man, The Solar System Outlaw - Michael Cole
Once in a Blue Moon - Valeria Sweet
Human Resources - Christopher Iversen
In Eden - Holly Beck
Earth to California - Chris Diven
Life on Planet Ahdentia - Chris Taylor
The Bad Boys of Golf - Jack Hempling
Friday the 13th: Camp Blood - Andrew Beberman
Best F*cking Friends Forever - Ryan O'Donoghue
Don't Break The Rules - Nolan Bryand
Black Dragon - Roy Hsu
American Slashers - Mark Dorman
Chasen Ava - Joshua Duckworth
Almost Urgent Care - Kevin T. Willson
The Chosen Ones - Paul Sheridan
Feed the Baby - Renee Padmore
Englis - Rishan Dhamija
My Real Imaginary Friends - Kyle Rizor
The Oglala Pony Raids - Barney Doyle
World Wide Wendall - Janette Griffiths
Potato Queen and Lucky Widow - Angelo Santos
Fish Tank - Juan Carlos San Pedro
Far West - Zoe Luevano
8:08 - Jordan Howell
Uneducated - Octavia Clahar
Sum of Me - Alexandra Redwood
State - Michael Stephenson
Private Enterprise - Chris Triggiani
Kali on the Ropes - Ali Choucri
Bad Dog - Morgan Smith
Brisket - Joel Karlinsky
Rise of the Prophecy - Antoine Bonner
Inadequate - Rachel Mariam
The Grantors - Ash Lazer
I Hate People - Brian Gross
BFFs Never Say Die - K. Jennifer Ilagan
The Come Up - Albie Cullen
We Are Not Good People - Edel Dmyto Oksamyt
State of Vigilance - Tom Holowach
Logos- Alexander Blum
Doomsday Hotel and Casino - Michael Lucid
Terminally Online - Mary Ashley Burton
The Public Servant - Lyter Daniel
The Alchemist's Daughter - Mary Lawrence
Grim Gus - Henry Greenberg
The Amen Sisterhood - John Doble
Murder Takes Time - Giacomo Giammatteo
risk/reward - Cary DiCristina
Witches of the West - Vasan Arul
The Faerie Rings - Zina Brown
Stoned Cold - Andersen Wood
The Splice - Julian Noble
The Lady of the Shadows - Don Linnehan
Jerks - Lucas Slade
The House That Mediocracy Built - Courtney Dinkins
Three Lakes - Barbara Gilmore
Heaven - John McPhaul III
The Mourning Of - Merced Elizondo
Requiem for the Eternal Flame - Jeffrey Marks
Purgatory, Inc: Pilot - Luca Harsh
Superior: Iron Boats Iron Men - Joe Bechtold
Nyctophobica - Charles Musgrove
Valentine's Game - Angus Gafraidh
Blood Run - Chantelle Tibbs
Own The Moment - David Charlip
Zone Out - Troy Flangas
Forgotten Sons - Lauren James
Family Men - Michael Elliott
Non-Prophet - Garrett Pahl
Demented - Tristan Mercado
Diners and Devils - Virginia Austin
The Rebels - Phil Vengrinovich
Return to Infinia - Josh Schaffer
Desert Star News - Robert Haus
Who Killed Dante Duggan? - Gavin Howard
Big Maine Women - Amy Wieseneck
Loreful, Good & Evil - Simon X. Frederick
Last Island - Manfred Winter
Life During Wartime - Mark Bowes
Ungodly - Stashia Robbins
Bleu Dream - Jared Bratt
The Hill - Reginald Johnson
Greener - Keyanna Wigglesworth
The Patsy - Martin Bernard Foley
Adventures in Christmasland - Steffany Sommers
Untitled - Cristina Noguera
Walter & Tina - Riley Marinelli
Grad School - Tim Gill
Positives - Katie Fahey
Gunny & 'Em - Antonio Nelson
Space Accountants - Mark DiStefano
Life On My Knees - Robin Uriel Russin
Dumped - Barry Wittenstein
An Enemy of Angels - Jaz Garewal
Sync - Carolina Alvarez
Whiskey Sour - Sterling Daniels
Minor Sins - Matt Cochran
Po'Pay - John McCarney
Killed By Liam Neeson - Robert Benjamin
Memoirs of an Alien - Tazeen Chowdhury
Believers - Bill Marmor
The Texas Bigfoot - Ronen Tregerman
Evolution "The Wakening" - Mark Mc Quown
Freedom's Fortress - Steven Krieg
Kiss Away - Michael Kallal
Hunting The Deckers - John Ravitz
The Heart of a Pool Champion - Joe Evola
Jesusland - Jon Dittman
Taser - David M Hinds
Goldie - Sierra Sanborn
Not Super Legal Pilot - Carrie Fishbane
Damage Waiver - Melissa Martin
Quantum Loop - Lowrie Osborne
Choppa City : A Game of Chance - Cain Angelle
True Nature Television Series Pitch - CJ Conway
Terribly Good With Words - Malcolm Owens
Night Crew - Trey Everett
I Would Kill For That - Matthew Hoch
Moo Moo Land - Dave Mac
The Gentle Falcon - Whitney Small
Storybook Reunion - Maureen Hummel
Apocalypse: The Musical - Rachel Rios
Garden Variety Aliens - Cat Girczyc
October Seven - Steven Stiefel
Dissension - Stacey Spivey
End of Days - Danny Alex
The Man & The Mermaid's Tale - Donna Loehrer
Bass - Armin Haghighi
The Titanomachy - Mikael Holcombe-Scali
Bootneck & Para - Jeffrey Golden
Marshal Law - Jaimie Engle
The Man Doctrine - Christopher Prince
Excellence - Jada Dawson
Billie and Mark Almost Get Killed - Sean Reidy
Nightfall - Matt Curtsinger
Teddybär - Tommy Tang
TRIPP Monica Mc Carthy
Damsel - JC Young
In-State - Lincoln Anderson
Aloha - Carl Hellstrom
The Principal - Sam Fickman
Up / Down - Raymond Zacharaise
Lifers - Harley Jensen
The Devil's Calling - Jada Cox
Pay Your Bill TV - Anne Biondich
The Bachelor of Longfield Park - Alexandra Comeaux, Zari Panosian
Butterfly - C.F. Dye
Stone Woman - Veronica Tabares
Last Resort - Alejandro Leopardi
Welcome To GaryTown - Seth Nelson
Cloudkill - Brent Hartinger
Solamat - Liam Allen-McGoran
It Rained Warm Bread - Dwight Brown
Pretty Broken - Maria Pendolino
The Pasukan Rahsia - Yun Sun Park
Rob & Lucy - Adam Breseman
Our Sins - Anjini Taneja Azhar
Buckshot Bubblegum - Adrion Trujillo
Remnant Faithful - Andrew Poschner
Building Glvss - Love Saunders
Dueling Signs - Jodi Dennithorne
MWA Mothers With Anxiety - Krysia Pepper
Autumn in September - Philip Oyok
La Cuarentona - Miguel Orozco
And a Star was Born - Ashwin Mitchell
Janey - Tim Grady
Two Close - Roberta M Roy
Nathan & Robin - Brian McDevitt Jr.
The Event - Izabela Borowska
Questwalker: Reverend's Journey - Dalton Crawford
Regent of the Sun - J.B. Storey
The Lotus - Alister Brooks
Infinity Stacked - Bobby Pellerin
Play It All Night Long - Quinn Bailey
I Will Take A Boy Too - Erik Jasaň
Faces of Our Nation - Eric Opaciuch
Splinters - Jason Seelmann
A Pickle and a Coke - Alex Kokenis
Betty Ann - Barbara Weetman
Almighty - Stu Baltazar
Venera - Christopher Frost
A Woman's Choise - Paul Bloemers
Vamp - Elko Jordan
Marley's Chains - Brian Gene White
You Belong Here - Rohin Verma
Emily Rose Landers - Martin Yates
The Rocks - Daniel Dismuke
Komachi - Joshua Bateman
The Perfect Match - Frank McDonnell
The Inside Out Love Life of Sherman Banks - Paul Spreadbury
United We Stand - Tom Savage
Big Sister - David Chester
Return Policy - Rana Rines
Family Syndrome - Devin Toohey
Undaunted - Van Choat
Back To Sleep - Jahnome McEwan
She Coming Back - Jason Lindsay
Undetected - Jacques Buckingham
Magicians Anonymous - Larry Swanson
EcoFront - John McHale
Fatal Insomnia - Andrew Dean Pearson
Mac + Beth - Jaime Kawamoto
Newspaperwoman - Simone Wymbs-Stevens
Movie Palace - Max Radbill
Humanity Inc. - Ian Honeyman
You're Doing Great! - Sharon Spell
Forsyth County - James Sasser
White Feathers - Susie Schecter
Hole in the Sky - John Cooney
I Will Always Love You - Maggie Lovitt
The Longest Night - Caleb Pavey-Wright
King of Lagos - Leo Moroz
Pure - Nava Silton
The Evaluator - Peter Noel
Because It Matters - Brian Cohen
The Price of Blood - Mitchell Martin
Deadman's Land - Barry Duffield
Curl Ling - Carl Burcham
Top Fighters - Dan Cerruti
Holistic Admissions - Laurie McKinsey
Hare to the Throne - Lyke Tigers
Stay Positive - Larry Collins
The Department of Easy Virtue - Gary Blackwood
Major League Drones - Selvir Katich
Estate Champs - Mike Santoro
Destined - Ericka Salary
Crickets - Jennifer Steets
The Sword in the Sprawl - Matthew Scarpa
King of the Feather Wars - tim fitzharris
Voices - Janine Pecenkova
A is for Ammo - Jordan Vazcones
A Savage River - Todd Allen
Monster Carnival - Alia Zeid
Room Temperature - Roni Niu
Chains of Freedom - Najm Eldin Hassan Eltabie
Sol - Alex Bright
Optical Elusion - Kent Perlmutter
Damn With Faint Praise - Hossein(Shahin) Karbalaeetaher
With Love From New Jersey - Judith Abingdon
Veronica - Elisa Guidelli
Ether - Varta Torossian
Conflicted - Kariann Deshler
Perfect to a Tee - Sharon Spaeder
Stay - Stephanie Henry-Ricchi
The Killing Machine - Shawn Hainsworth
My Week With Dillinger - Dan Gleason
The Industrialist - Vikas Bandhu
Better Judgement - Mark Marino
Best Life Ever - Tina Gandhi
Albert The Butler - Jason Stratton
Dolla & Dream - Jacques Philippe
Reluctant Party "Demoted" - Marche Byrd
Ghosties - Julie Sharbutt
Forgiveness - Reagan Lopez
Five Kid Stud - Randy Lee Gross
Gaia - Gustavo Sampaio
The Obnoks - Parker Boutelle
Black Fire - Benson Simmonds
Catwalk in Headlights - Andreas Nelander
Tuned In - Ben Pavitt
The Greek Passage - Lorenzo Guarnieri
Let's Draw A World - Roderick Rascoe, Bowen Tan
The Postcard - Mike Sorrinni
Lusitania - Christopher Saunders
Serial - Robert Benjamin
Shades - Dionne Wilson
The Rise of Elisa Lynch - Maia Nikiphoroff
Guns A Blazing - Tiffany Colling
Consent - Frank J. Avella
Dark Twinkle Holiday - Genevieve Sipperley
The Dark Artist - Cole Durham, Madison Jenkins
Climbers - Alexander Julian III
Desire - Hannah Rittner
Project Abaddon - Pete Borreggine, Gary Hauger
High School Lullaby - Dave Stishan
Windfall! - Bob Canning
BOZ: Bikers of Oz - Drew Henriksen, Ken Hewski
Man Up - Josh Alexander
Cold Heat - John S McCloskey
Mr. Red - Michael J. Krym
I Promise You This - Todd G. Sorrell
Detective Show - Chris Warner
Templin Highway - William Prosser
I am awake - Mihail Koptel, Svetlana Igorevna Biryukova
I Killed Tonight! - Mark Palmer
Surprise - Robert K. Benson
Where the Leopards Dream - Fernando Paez
Divine Intervention - Emily Steele
Walkin' On To Freedom's Land - Julie Daniels
Muddy Fork - Stacey Bean
Ambrose - Elyssa Catalfano
The Familiar - Carrie Specht
7 on 10 - Samantha Lavin
It Happened in Silence - Shaun R Delliskave, Karla Jay
F*&ksville, MD - Paul-Anthony Surdi
Boardgames - Madeline Hombert, Michael Marcus
Down Fire - Samantha Fair
For the Love of God - The Meliorists
Breather - Barry Staff
Enter Morpheus - Nadia Pandolfo
Floris - Ben Huffman, William Andrew Lewis
Zoo Crew and the Missing Monkey - Turi Haim
We All Fall Down - Mike Spence
Griefers - Karole L. Foreman
2nd Date - Jaik Andino
Lindsay Lindsey Lyndsey - Billy McEntee
Welcome to the Orpheum - Tim OBrien
Hardcore - Robbie Purdon
Bamboo Wife - Heather P. Shreve
Ethical Non-Monogamy - Lulenoxx, Pax
Camouflaged Sisters - Lydia Genner, Lila Holley
Swiss Clean - Jim Wurst
Code 10 - Matthew Margo
See You At Christmas - Eric Ayala
Timeless - Benjamin Lashar
58 Miles - Jo Miles
She/Hero - Dina Laura
Mafia State - Sandra Gregory
Black Ink Pearl - Ruth Finnegan
Unbrotherly Love - Nick Abdo
Dare - Len Hall
Phaethon - Victor Orel
Anathema: Syreni - Bob Singleton